The Dolce & Gabbana perfume advertisement for the product Rosa Excelsa features a woman with dark, smoky makeup wearing a black nightdress standing in front of a wall covered with red roses. The woman holds the Rosa Excelsa perfume in her hand; a small glass bottle with a top shaped to imitate a red rose and a black bow around the neck. In color and concept, the woman and the bottle of perfume are meant to reflect upon each other, and a message of female empowerment arises from the symbols included in the advertisement.
The design choices Dolce & Gabbana applied to the advertisement can be analyzed using the concept of semiotics. According to Danesi, semiotics, the study of signs and their use/interpretation, allows us to make sense of the deeper messages included in different modes of media. Signs exist all around, in the forms of icons, indices, and symbols and although it may not be explicitly stated, they even appear in advertisements such as this one.
Applying the concept of semiotics, the choice of colors and the way in which they interact with each other puts forth a message of the seductive side of femininity. The use of the color black (the signifier) with regards to the makeup and nightdress, creates an image of seduction and sexuality (the signified). The color black, especially when in reference to women, has been known to symbolize someone who is in control of their sexuality— a temptress who attracts the attention of those around her.
Adding to this, the choice of including red roses gives the audience an image of intense passion and love. This advertisement specifically strays away from the more innocently perceived lighter colored roses and instead focuses on a color which compliments the seductive message being put forth by the inclusion of the black.
Besides the color of the roses, the addition of this specific type of flower also serves as another symbol. The signifier in this case is the rose itself and the signified is the concept of femininity. Flowers in general are more times than not associated with females, such that when one sees a flower, they picture more feminine images like adoration and passion. By choosing to feature roses in the advertisement, one of the most well-known flowers, this notion of femininity is reinforced and implicitly stated.
The interactions between the symbol of the rose and the color choices work together to construct an empowering image of femininity. The messages of seduction and femininity work together to put forth the interpretation that being comfortable with sexuality and seduction is not necessarily a bad thing, but rather it is a part of being a woman. This advertisement shows females that sexuality should be celebrated rather than ashamed of, thus putting forth a message of empowerment.
With the darker color choices signifying a seductive nature coming into play with the addition of a rose-filled backdrop alluding femininity, Dolce & Gabbana want women who buy this perfume to not just smell beautiful, but also feel more confident in themselves and their sexuality. Much like the perfume bottle they are advertising, women can be the perfect combination of seductive and feminine without feeling ashamed. Women should reach for this perfume much like they should learn to feel proud of their passionate side.
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