Monday, January 18, 2016

Media in Moderation

Media can be used as a tool to improve society in many different ways. Media may expose people to current events, provide entertainment on a Friday night, or tell us the weather forecast for the upcoming week.

All of these things are beneficial, but they are just a few examples among the vast and growing collection of media we have today. Media can be healthy, but only in moderation. As mentioned in the Living in a Saturated World excerpt, a recent study showed that the average person spends 70% of their day using some form of media.

According to the excerpt, college students are the most heavily reliant on media, spending an average 3.5 hours a day on the computer and an additional 7.5 hours a day engaging with some other form of media. This amount of time spent engaged with media is not in moderation and is not healthy.

I personally find it frustrating that so many of our assignments for school are reliant on computers. For this semester alone I have purchased online homework programs for multiple classes, downloaded electronic books, added an app on my phone that allows me to participate in class quizzes, and visited the TLearn website too many times already. I believe that the widespread use of media, specifically computers, has made us too reliant, too lazy, and too out of touch with reality.

We have become too reliant on computers to give us instant gratification and tell us anything we want to know… now. We have become too reliant on computers.

Media had allowed us to become lazy by passing the time watching a Netflix series about fictional characters when you could be doing something meaningful for your own life.

Computers are a form of media that has caused us to become out of touch with reality because they give us the answers we want exactly when we want them, which isn’t how the real world works. It also allows us to compare ourselves to the rest of the world and what everyone else is doing even though we are supposed to be living our own lives.

I find the statistic about how much time we spend using different forms of media, college students specifically, because it goes to show how reliant we are on media. Think about the fact that our parents, just a generation ago, rarely used computers in college. It is important to consider how quickly our reliance on media is advancing and what this could mean for generations to come.

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