Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Reality Check

Reality vs, Fantasy is certainly an interesting concept in terms of media. What constitutes what is probable and improbable? Factual and Actual? Phantasmal and free-spirited? Potter's Mass Media Content and Reality reading struck a chord with me. I tend to be a daydreamer whether I like it or not, and sometimes that line between reality and fantasy is blurred. Which is a memory and which is a dream?

Creating media is a basic concept according to The Media Literacy Project, but changing our media system is an advanced concept. For the day dreamers like me, who fantasize and create, the media has already influenced our thinking. We may have fantasies, but are those fantasies really ours? Or were the main ideas or concepts placed there by something we read or watched on TV? Potter spoke of "automacity," about tuning out the bombardment of messages we don't want to hear, to protect ourselves, but what if the message we choose to listen to are already twisted an untrue?

There is a music video by Cro entitled Traum that places an interesting twist on a typical pop song. Since its in German, the link to both the English and German lyrics are posted here.

The song speaks of a girl whom Cro thinks is perfect and wishes to take away from all of the negativity he sees, and treat her the right way. In the music video, he wishes to take her away from the ridiculous men trying to win her favor by impressing her with elaborate dates. There is no cussing or foul language or talk of her in a demeaning way. While this seems like a great song, or a wonderful fantasy, we have to look at the things we ignore, and move past automacity. For example, it is a terrible societal norm that the man has to be rich do everything for the girl, yet that norm is present in this video. The girl is being fought over like a piece of property, and not once voices how she feels on the matter.

It is these small details that the media uses to influence our thinking, and we may even not be well aware of. We can change our media system, yes, but it is only through careful analysis of what messages hold truth, and which messages only seek to influence us into falsehood or attract us to a product. If we are to change our media system, media literacy is the key to reality.


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