Gilmore Girls is a long series about the life of a mother and daughter. The mother, Lorelai, is best friends with the man, Luke, who owns the diner in their town. Several people throughout the beginning of the series suggest that Luke has feelings for Lorelai and they also suggest that they would be a great couple, but Lorelai constantly ignores them. In a certain episode, Lorelai has a dream that she is married to Luke and is pregnant with twins.
In addition, when Lorelai wakes up form her dream, she questions the meaning of the dream. It’s possible that Lorelai is suppressing her unresolved desires or feelings for Luke, and her “subconscious” revealed her reality to her in the dream.
Freud’s Dream Theory, however, states that the solution to the meaning of dreams is generally that “all dreams represent the fulfillment of wishes.” Therefore, his interpretation of Lorelai’s dream may have more to do with her dream as a partial fulfillment of a wish that is usually (but not always) sexual.
Freud’s Dream Theory also divides the mind into two parts, the preconscious and unconscious. The preconscious contains all the ideas and memories capable of becoming conscious while the unconscious is made up of the desires and wishes of a mostly sexual and sometimes destructive nature. The beginning of the dream consists of the unconscious mind at play when she destroys all of the alarm clocks while all of the memories of people mentioning Luke and Lorelai as a possible couple is a part of the preconscious mind.
There are many different ways to analyze dreams as shown above. Right now, we have no way of knowing which interpretation is correct, but the ideas are fascinating.
Freud’s Dream Theory also divides the mind into two parts, the preconscious and unconscious. The preconscious contains all the ideas and memories capable of becoming conscious while the unconscious is made up of the desires and wishes of a mostly sexual and sometimes destructive nature. The beginning of the dream consists of the unconscious mind at play when she destroys all of the alarm clocks while all of the memories of people mentioning Luke and Lorelai as a possible couple is a part of the preconscious mind.
There are many different ways to analyze dreams as shown above. Right now, we have no way of knowing which interpretation is correct, but the ideas are fascinating.