Monday, March 28, 2016

Dreaming of a Better Life

The three articles posted about dreams examine the phenomenon very deeply, and how they impact pop culture as well as character development when it comes to movies. In Freud's Dream Theory, by Appignanesi, it is stated that "all dreams represent the fulfillment of wishes", and comparing that to the concepts about character development in the other articles, it is clear to see how dreams represent and help shape the true meaning of characters in movies.

My first example is found in the movie, Stand By Me, which came out in 1986. The story is about a young boy who goes on a journey with his friends to find a body that they heard was murdered and dumped in the woods. The boys go on the journey to find this body, when really the movie shows how the boys find out who they are as people and their meaning in life.

At the start of the movie, Gordie, the main character, has a dream back to a interaction he had with his older brother who had died in a Jeep accident. In his dream he remembers how great of a person his older brother was, and as he is dreaming his thoughts are interrupted by Gordie's father who starts comparing Gordie and his older brother and asking Gordie why he isn't as good of a person.

In the scene, Gordie is very discouraged by his dream and the fact that he was reminded of how great his older brother was, and that his family wishes it was Gordie who had died instead of his older brother. This is very important as this dreaming experience is the motivation for Gordie to go on this adventure with his friends and find out his meaning as a person. 

Relating back to the readings, this shows how dreams help drive the character development in movies, and ultimately define the meaning behind characters. In Gordie's dream about his brother, he remembers how great he was, and it is obvious that Gordie feels that he should have died instead of his brother, because Gordie doesn't feel as significant of a person compared to his brother. This relates back to the quote from, Freud's Dream Theory, and how our dreams represent the fulfillment  of our wishes, and Gordie wishes that it wasn't his brother who had died and him instead.  

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